Way back in the year 2000, I met some nice people on a cruise chat board. We all hit it off and decided to go on a cruise together. This was the beginning of some great friendships.
Some of our bosomiest buddies from the group are Ron and Lyn,
who live in Not Near Anything, Pennsylvania.
And if you know your US geography at all, it is especially not near Near
Seattle. Most years in the last 15, we
have gone on a cruise with these folks and have had a hoot. But 2 years ago, we decided to try something new
and go on a Land Vacation together.
As our stay was winding down, with nary an alligator
sighting, we were sad to be leaving this paradise. I hopped in the shower on one of the last
mornings and got quite a big surprise!
Now, let me point out, that I am not the sharpest tool in
the shed first thing in the morning. I’d
probably be better after a cup of coffee, if only I drank the stuff!
But I look down at my feet in the shower and saw something
green and scaly and ready to take off one of my limbs!
I quietly exited the shower….HA! In the Blog Fodders words, “She boiled right
out of there!”
The B.F. turned off the shower, closed the bathroom door and
called the front desk to report a “critter” in our tub. They figured it was a gecko and I was just
being hysterical and sent the maintenance man with a butterfly net to catch
it. A BUTTERFLY NET….to capture a ferocious,
woman eating, jaws of death alligator!
Suddenly, I had a better understanding of Marlon Perkins
sending good ole Jim into deal with the animals!
A few seconds later, the maintenance guys comes back out
clutching the ferocious beast. And he
Yup, a plastic, grown-to-three-times-its-size-in-water,
bought-in-the-dollar-store-in-Not-Near-Anything-Pennsylvania toy!
I was mostly mad I hadn’t thought of doing this myself!
The B.F. corned one of the maintenance guys and asked.
The friend thought it was so funny, she asked to keep the
alligator toy and took him to her yacht outside of Tampa, where he sailed the
Gulf of Mexico for a year.
The alligator toy, now named Gator Bob, came back home to
the resort and was joined by his friend, Sting Ray. They both have a wonderful life at the
resort, traveling around in style on a golf cart.